FBC is a “reformed” church. This means that we hold to specific theological distinctives which came out of the Reformation.
We affirm Scripture alone (2 Tim. 3:16). Every distortion of the Christian faith begins with a crack in the foundation – something that undermines the authority and sufficiency of God’s Word. Like John Wycliffe centuries ago, we hold that “the Bible alone is the supreme law that is to rule the church … without human traditions and statutes.”
We affirm grace alone (Rom. 5:1–2). Confidence in human ability is a product of fallen human nature. The truth is we’re in bondage to sin. We’re sinful in what we think, what we want, what we say, and what we do. Our only hope is God’s grace. As Ulrich Zwingli affirmed, “When a man comes to the knowledge of himself, he finds nothing but utter despair. But Christ has satisfied the divine justice for our trespasses. He is the infallible pledge of God’s mercy.”
We affirm faith alone (Eph. 2:8–9). Deep down inside lurks the conviction that there’s a way for us to save ourselves. By nature, we’re convinced that the deciding factor in salvation lies in us. However, the Bible makes it clear that we contribute nothing to our salvation. Faith is simply the hand of the soul that receives Christ and all His benefits. Martin Luther declared, “The word of God cannot be received and cherished by any works, but only by faith.”
We affirm Christ alone (1 Tim. 2:5). By His death, Christ paid the due penalty for our sin. In so doing, He frees us from condemnation. This makes Him an all-sufficient Savior. In the words of John Calvin, “Our whole salvation is found in Christ. We find acquittal in His condemnation, remission in His cross, purification in His blood, mortification in His tomb, vivification in His resurrection, and glorification in His entrance into heaven. In short, let us drink our fill from this fountain, and from none other.”
We affirm God’s glory alone (Rom. 11:36). Patrick Hamilton, a young Scotsman, returned home in 1528 after studying in Germany. He had converted to the Protestant faith while away. He returned, knowing that his conversion would mean certain death. He preached the gospel for six weeks, before the church officials burned him at the stake. John Knox wrote, “Neither the love of life nor the fear of death could move Hamilton to swerve from the truth once professed.” The Reformers lived and died for these principles (Scripture alone, grace alone, faith alone, and Christ alone) because they understood that these principles give all the glory to God alone.